NIX Blogging

This Blog its all About Me

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gadget Freak

After a few quick view at the , I was looking arround for the latest O2.
The O2 ATOM EXEC seemed nice for the next Pocket PC to replace my XDA II MINI. I love so much with the "Smart Phone" or "Pocket PC". Coz they are so smart and so mobile, like carrying extra brain. I know it costs us more, than the ordinary phone. But, it makes life easier for me. But every people have their own thoughts about cell phones.

All I need for my phone that it can help me a lot. With extra softwares to that phone we can have our own secretary or assistant, thats why it called PDA (Personal Digital Assistant). For the fast moving person it helps a lot, trust me for this one. We can arrange our expenses with Accounting software, we can keep up2date with little GPRS thing we also can keep sync'ing with our PC at home. And there are so many things you can do with a phone.

I used to use "Smart Phone", it uses SYMBIAN as its operating system (OS). I used it almost for 2.5 years, it was a great phone with MP3 player and many softwares. Then I changed it to use the Windows 2003 SE cell phone which operating in my XDA II MINI. Which is more greater then SYMBIAN that I used to have. Even the open source give their shot with the Linux Zaurus.

We can see now days the cell phone its so glamorous, with extra mega-pixels camera and MP3 player with GBs storage. Its so outrageous, with that kinda storage we can keep more than 1000 songs. But what for ? Are we gonna listen to all those songs ? I dont think so, it will be useless for me.But, maybe not for you. So its all up to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ewin yg loe bilang bener,..PDA itu mang penting bgt dbanding dengan mobile phone yang banyak bgt tawaran2 menarik.
secar gue juga secretary yang perlu bgt PDA u/ semua keperluan Bapa gue,..
tapi apa dikata ya?
ga punya duit neh buat belinya someday kali ye...
or loe aja beliin gue gmn ;)

12:03 PM, December 19, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...


2:34 PM, December 19, 2006  

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